Monday, August 31, 2009


I know I'll regret it, but Im glad this summer is winding down. It hasnt exactly been the summer of my dreams. Nightmare, maybe.
Michael Mazur is dead. He did a wonderful, little juicy tomato... a throwaway for him, but something Ive been trying to emulate for years.
Went to the "pool of the year" this morning. OK, some (ick) hair on the ladies locker room floor. The water was faintly salty. I dont know what to make of it. And considering that it's in a hotel there was a shocking lack of shampoo, body lotion, etc.
But I did 30 minutes and then walked the old lady walk up and down the pool (only 4' deep) for another 10 minutes. See if my hip and shoulder continue to remain attached to my body tomorrow.


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