Monday, October 12, 2009


I think we have to have rules. Here's one: I do the daily drawing, be it good, bad or ugly. Or in need of work (pencil would have been a better choice) as in this case. And it gets posted. No editorializing.
Finally (I think) got my crutches adjusted. Im kind of in between 5'11" and 6'. Set them to 5'11" and then reset the hand holds. In the interim I think I really mucked up my shoulder. Hurts like bloody hell. And of course it's on the more important side. Ick.
I was up last night thinking about some clergyman guy who took it upon himself to visit me in the hospital (I had specifically requested "no clergy"). He was insulting, intrusive and insensitive. For once I wasnt rude... must have been the drugs. Now Im just hoppin' (if I could hop) mad.

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